Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Jayce!

And what would a message from Los Angeles be without an outtake?

Cheers to a great year of fun and adventures! We miss all three of you.

Love, Matt, Sarah & Spencer!

Jayce Mon is fortysomething

Jayce - GOOD!
We treasure moments shared with you
We get a glimpse of all that's true
For light and love is there with you
And saying it will be with us too!

We feel as if we've grown up together, sharing our lives, our hearts, our children.  La la la la la la Reno Reno, la la la la la la Reno - raspberry.  By the way, that foot is now a size 10.5!

Elliot is soooooooo lucky!

You brighten our days even though you're 2048 miles away.  We listen to your music on a daily basis and it conjures up all sorts of remarkable memories - the crazy swing, of Corsica, camping, bowling, fire pit nights, Tuscon, tequila, totally doables, haircuts.

We adore you Jayce. We are the lucky recipients of your love, friendship and generosity of spirit. You're an amazing role model for Reno and truly are a brother from another mother.

Can't wait to celebrate together and create new memories.

Hugs and love - Howard, Elaine & Reno

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

From the Jostens

Jayce- here's to you in this last 10 min of your bday-(Cali time). I'll always cherish spending the last night of the millennium with you and Kristin, my sister Cindi and my soon to be future husband. You and your guitar made the night even more magical!
We love and miss you guys! Love, Terri and the clan Josten


This is one of my all time favorite pictures of my son Jason when he was 14 month old.

what a character!  QUICK!  EVEN TODAY.


Murphy the Magic Musician!

 I am soo thankful that you are in our family. You are a wonderful Soul and cannot wait to get back down to nashville and visit y'all. 40 years young with the sun just rising over the horizon. Good Health and Good People. I wish you all the best on this day and beyond. Prost! With Love!

Happy Birthday Jayce!

An incredible father and a brilliant businessman who maintains an incredible sense of humor and generosity. A valuable friend who is willing to teach, inspire, and give advice. He can create some really nice music too.

All this
and he’s only 40! 
Who is this guy??

He’ll also wait to see Avatar with you- even if it’s sold out- TWICE- and then be willing to listen afterwards when you complain that it’s not as good as everyone said.

Have a great 40th and we wish you all the best of luck and happiness this year!!

Dearest Jayce-

We met so long ago. I won't mention a number. Can you believe it? Alright it's over twenty years ago, dare I say twenty five? But, neither of us look old because forty isn't old. I'm a first time Mama at forty which has made me feel old. But I think our kids just make us act younger and younger and pretty soon we will be sharing stories of how you and I used to "compete" in high school. Drama geek anyone? Even though, we went to different high schools, I always looked forward to seeing you at our Speech Competitions. They were so much fun. 
Moving to L.A. and reconnecting with you was such a gift. Sean and I were inspired by your talent, creativity and absolutely loved seeing you shine on stage.  Nashville needs some Jayce Murphy. They are lucky to have you. And thank you for all the wisdom and friendship during my pregnancy and the birth of Harley. I love ya Jayce. 

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, Jayce!

I haven't known you long, but i can certainly say that you're a great guy and a good friend. We're so glad to have you guys here in Nashville. I look forward getting to know you and your family even more, whether it be over beer, Irish singing, hiking, or pool parties on our back porch. :o)
