Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jayce Mon is fortysomething

Jayce - GOOD!
We treasure moments shared with you
We get a glimpse of all that's true
For light and love is there with you
And saying it will be with us too!

We feel as if we've grown up together, sharing our lives, our hearts, our children.  La la la la la la Reno Reno, la la la la la la Reno - raspberry.  By the way, that foot is now a size 10.5!

Elliot is soooooooo lucky!

You brighten our days even though you're 2048 miles away.  We listen to your music on a daily basis and it conjures up all sorts of remarkable memories - the crazy swing, of Corsica, camping, bowling, fire pit nights, Tuscon, tequila, totally doables, haircuts.

We adore you Jayce. We are the lucky recipients of your love, friendship and generosity of spirit. You're an amazing role model for Reno and truly are a brother from another mother.

Can't wait to celebrate together and create new memories.

Hugs and love - Howard, Elaine & Reno

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