Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Jayce is 40? Dang that's old!

As I recall, your wedding day was bright sunny and I was just getting to know you both. I was impressed by the number and quality of the friends my wife, Leslie had introduced, many of whom were in attendance at that blessed event.
The lovely and heartfelt ceremony was highlighted by the release of hundreds of butterflies, quite an inspirational moment, to say the least. A new beginning for the two of you and the start of a wonderful friendship.
Later, I had the pleasure of attending several performances of someone called "Jason Roe," who bears a striking resemblance to my friend, Jayce Murphy with incredible musical talents and an awesome voice.
Happy birthday Jayce! Don't worry, 40 isn't all that old... See you soon! We're a-comin' to Dixie, so keep a pot of beans warm!
Love 'n hugs --Markie and the rest of the Spillman's

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